May 2, 2022 | 6ನೇ ತರಗತಿ, VI ಇಂಗ್ಲೀಷ್, ಕಲಿಕೆ
THE FLY – Poetry Read and enjoy the poem. There’s a fly inside my bedroom,It’s driving me insane;It’s buzzing round my wardrobe,It’s on the window pane… It’s flying round the lampshade,It’s coming very close.It’s landing on my pillow…It’s walking on my nose!...
Jan 14, 2022 | 6ನೇ ತರಗತಿ, VI ಇಂಗ್ಲೀಷ್, ಕಲಿಕೆ
A Chat with a Grasshopper – Unit – 5 (Prose) Preparatory Activity : Repeat after the teacher: The Grasshopper and the Elephant Way down southWhere bananas grow,A grasshopper steppedOn an elephant’s toe.The elephant saidWith tears in his...
Sep 27, 2021 | 6ನೇ ತರಗತಿ, VI ಇಂಗ್ಲೀಷ್, ಕಲಿಕೆ
ALL THINGS BRIGHT AND BEAUTIFUL – Poem Preparatory activity : 1) Name some of the things that are bright and beautiful. The moon, The Sun, The twinkling Stars 2) The poet has used many adjectives in this poem. Can you guess them and make a list of some of the...
Aug 19, 2021 | 6ನೇ ತರಗತಿ, VI ಇಂಗ್ಲೀಷ್, ಕಲಿಕೆ
The King’s Ministers – UNIT – 4 (Prose) There was a lion who was the king of the forest. He was fierce and strong. “A king must have ministers to help him,” the lion thought one day. And he called a fox. Lion – King of the forest ( fierce and strong)...
Jul 11, 2021 | 6ನೇ ತರಗತಿ, VI ಇಂಗ್ಲೀಷ್, ಕಲಿಕೆ
Robin bird Preparatory activity : • Listen to the story narrated by your teacher and respond to the following questions : 1) Who is Sweety? Ans : Sweety is a pet “Rabbit”. 2) List the words that describe Sweety. Ans : White like cotton, eyes beautiful like...
Jun 18, 2021 | 6ನೇ ತರಗತಿ, VI ಇಂಗ್ಲೀಷ್, ಕಲಿಕೆ
Language Work (Grammar) Subject – Verb Agreement Subject – Verb Agreement | English Grammar Subject Verb Agreement | Basic Rules Subject-Verb Agreement | Six important Rules | Part 2 Subject Verb Agreement | Ten Important Rules | Part 3 Collocations...